

Hand Colored Tiles

These tiles have been hand colored with professional grade watercolor paint and are all ready for you to add your own tangles to. They are one of a kind and will vary from tile to tile. You have lots of choices and options so orders will be done via email with me. Contact me at

The pictures above are just some of the possibilities. The ones that have the tangles on them are not for sale and are pictured just to give you an idea of what they look like completed. 

Tiles measure 3 1/2 x 3 1/2" - Zendalas are 4 !/2" rounds - ATCs are 3 1/2 x 2 1/2".
Color combo options are;
deep blues
deep purple

You can also request tiles that have softer, more blended coloring or colors that are more mottled, with more variations. In any case, these are handmade, one of a kind, and no two will be alike.

Pricing is $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. (plus shipping) A free color suggestion sheet for pens and colored pencils comes with each order. 

Place your order with me via email at and I will send you an invoice which you can pay online. 

CZTs contact me for your special pricing for class supplies.

Color stacks

Color stacks are hand colored tiles that include a 2", 3", 4", 5", and 6" square tile. The tiles are loose in the bag so they can be tangled individually. They come packaged in assorted colors with each color in a stack being different. If a specific stack appeals to you please let me know. Pricing is $7 for a stack. (plus shipping) CZTs contact me for class supply discount.

Contact me to order -

ALSO - Zentangle Inspired Jewelry -  featured in Zentangle 5, a  Designs Original Book