
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Colored backgrounds with Tombow markers

I've been having fun creating colored backgrounds for some of my tiles. So I thought I'd explain how to prepare them. When I work on the backgrounds it literally is playtime for me. Truly unexpected results with something new all the time.

Tombow markers  (The link to Dick Blick on the side of the page is a good place to buy them - and the prices are good too)
            colors I used are # 835, 555, 245  - but I'm constantly trying out others!
acetate page protector with white sheet of paper inside
water spritzer bottle
paper - heavy weight cardstock in colors - cut into 3 1/2" squares
            bristol vellum - cut into 3 1/2" squares

- On your page protector draw several scribbles of color with two different colors of the Tombow markers. Use the side of the brush to get lots of color down quickly. Draw different patches of color that vary in size, shape and intersperse with each other. The color will bead up and look like you haven't done anything but don't worry.
- Spritz the page lightly with the water. You will see balls of color form. Don't move or tip your clipboard!
- Lay your paper down onto the surface. Lift up and look. If you like what you see, stop. If not, lay it down again in a different area of the clipboard. Smoosh it around. Play with it! Tweezers can be helpful in lifting up and moving the wet paper. - Try wetting the paper first before you set it on the color. Experiment!
- Set the paper on paper towels with the colored side up. Your paper will probably be curling up by now but that's not a problem. Let dry
- Iron the paper on medium heat till the paper is flat again. Use a piece of tracing paper between the iron and your paper.
- If things got a little muddied and the colors ran together, just do it again. I frequently do mine twice so I have layers of colors.

In the top picture you can see backgrounds I did on pink cardstock, green cardstock, white cardstock cut into ovals, and bristol vellum paper.

When I do my tangling on these I will use a Micron Pigma pen in a color that coordinates - Probably a purple on the pink cards and a blue or green on the green paper. I'll then use a colored pencil to do my shading.

link to Tombow markers at Dick Blick -" target="_top"><img src="" border="0" alt="Tombow Dual Brush Pens"/></a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0"/>

Also - if you are on Facebook, Tombow USA has a page - and frequently runs contests. If you visit it and 'like' it. please tell them that you came through Sue Jacobs.


  1. This was very helpful. Thank you for pointing me to this blog post. I will have to get some of these markers and give this a try. Thank you!


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