
Friday, September 23, 2011

Pinwheels for Peace

I started work on my pinwheel on Tuesday but then my daughter called and asked me to come over - and well, I couldn't miss the opportunity to see the new baby. So it finally got done this morning.

I used a high gloss piece of paper I had laying around and my Sakura Micron 08 pen. I actually did both sides. Using the high gloss paper means it has a nice thickness for use as a pinwheel but it also meant that the ink didn't dry as quickly. I found myself getting my hand into it far more often than I would have liked.

Thanks to the Diva .

And I can't not post a new picture of the baby.


  1. love that you made it into a real pinwheel! and that baby is gorgeous!

  2. Wonderful pinwheel.
    Your granddaughter is adorable, you must be very proud!

  3. Your granddaughter is lovely and I love your pinwheel. Gee, I haven't made a pinwheel since I was in grade school!

  4. Lovely pinwheel and an adorable baby. Did you "show" your granddaughter the pinwheel whirling ? If you did, you would have seen your granddaughter enjoying grandma's antics!


  5. Fantastic pinwheel! Oh, the baby is sooo cute!! It looks like she is smiling already!

  6. Beautiful pinwheel...and an even prettier baby!! Makes me get more excited about our new grandson who'll be here on Oct 21!


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