
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tanglin' with my left hand

Challenge #56 "Non Dominatrix* v.2"  has us going back to tangling with our non-dominant hand. I did this challenge the first time it was issued  too. It was an interesting experience then and I wasn't sure if I really wanted to revisit it. However, it was so worth it because I discovered a couple of tangleations I hadn't played with before.

The first time I looked only for tangle patterns that would look good with 'the shakes'. And I was happy with the way it came out. This time I started with Bales everyplace. I wanted to really try using a pattern that I didn't think would look good shaky. When I first had just the Bales done I was very frustrated, as my lines didn't please me at all. It would have been a good idea to show you a picture at that stage - but I didn't think of that. I added in a simple string and then did tangleations in each section. After the shading was done I realized that while this wasn't my usual style, I was pretty pleased with it anyway.


  1. with the different tangles on each "bale" it makes the tile look like you've used several different tangles! Love how this turned out!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I tried to post a comment instead of a reply but somehow that is not happening.
      What I want to say is that withe tangleations and the shading I think this came out great!

  2. The result is great, really impressed with your shading and choices. I found shading and filling in black very challenging.

  3. This is incredible! Love the shading.

  4. Beautiful and well thought out.

  5. Bales is best to try with non-domination hand as I did with my work. I like the way you did with bales by using variations. Beautiful and brilliant!

  6. Oh the circles look like dew drops floating on the page. I love it!

  7. Oh I love this on!! That shading is brilliant. It indeed looks like the drop is floating. Gorgeous.

  8. A wonderful creation, love your shading effects!

  9. I love the shading. It looks like a magnifying glass. Very nice!


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