
Monday, May 21, 2012

Banbury May 20th and New Class Dates

Another great Beyond the Basics class. I am always amazed how in each class I can teach the same tangles but the students come up with so many different tangleations. In the class a couple of the students got confused drawing W2 - so in true zentagle fashion - they created new patterns.

Attention - new class dates have been arranged at Banbury

Zentangle Basics - July 8th
Zentangle Color - June 24th
Zentangle Zendalas - July 22nd
Zentangle Kids Camp - tote bag - June 20th

Contact Banbury to sign up 630 837 1727  - class size limited

On a personal note - I want to brag about my 18 year old son who is growing up so fast and looking so handsome as he went off to his senior prom. 

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