
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tangle ideas in Ohio

Last week I was in Ohio with my son. This fall he will officially become a Buckeye as he starts at The Ohio State University. My husband and I will finally become empty nesters as we send our baby off to college. We drove to Columbus to take part in freshman orientation. Lots of kids, lots of parents, and lots of walking.    I was very impressed with everything Ohio State has to offer. I was also a little intimidated but my son seems to be eagerly awaiting the start of school.

Walking around campus I admired all the beautiful buildings on campus. It wasn't until the second day though that I started seeing the tangle patterns right in front of me. I had collapsed into a comfy chair in the student union when I noticed the fabric on the chair. Lots of 'Os' and really cool the way they overlapped. Then I noticed the carpet. The Buckeyes had all those squares drawn behind. 

Later, in the shopping mall I saw this carpet pattern. Very intriguing!

For now they are just pictures. Sometime over the next few days I plan to try these tangle patterns out and get them into tiles. I'll let you know what I come up with.

1 comment:

  1. O-H I-O, O-H I-O, O-H I-O, sorry couldn't resist - an OSU lifer here - your son picked a great school to attend. The patterns look pretty cool can't wait to see your step outs. Go Bucks!


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