
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Diva challenge 90

The Diva's challenge this week was to use a string that was shown on It's a simple string so it was a pleasure to just sit back and let the magic of zentangle take over. The string pattern is found on the web site here. Thank you Diva for a relaxing challenge this week.


  1. Lovely, Sue. I love your spirit and sense of freedom with colors.

  2. Beautiful Sue. Always when I see some tiles done in color I think I should do that too, But everytime I start I always fall back on my black pens. I just can't. Yours is great, the choice off patterns and the balance of dark and light is great.

  3. Very pretty in that soft brown tone.

  4. Looks good, love your choice of tangles. You are so good with color too.

  5. I love the way you set off your gorgeous pen work with color!

  6. i'm just starting to use that pattern in your top right corner, don't remember its name but i love how it looks! and i'm wondering if the lower right is a crescent moon variation - love the depth in it!


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