
Thursday, September 26, 2013

duotangle - Tipple and Knightsbridge

The Diva challenge this week is to use basic tangle patterns, tipple and knightsbridge, together. Sounds like a simple enough challenge. I find I don't use knightsbridge too much because for me it is almost too basic. So I wasn't coming up with any interesting design ideas.

I decided to go with color. These two tangles are so different they are almost opposites. So I went with colors that are the opposite sides of the color wheel. Yikes. It hurts my eyes just to look at this picture so you can imagine it wasn't fun to use this combo in my tile. Lesson learned, I won't do that again.

This red is so bright that in combination with the green orbs, I'm thinking 'frog in a blender'. Tee hee, please don't call the society for prevention of cruelty to animals on me!


  1. Sue, it looks great and we all know how much you like to color.

  2. Love your bold and bright take on this challenge.

  3. Like a beautiful quilt! Very nice, Sue.

  4. First, you have a great sense of humor! I don't think your tile looks like a frog in a blender, but that is a hilarious statement! Your tile reminds me of a Christmas quilt and it is very cheerful. All of us have put a few tiles out there that bothered us, so don't worry about it! :)

    Keep on tanglin',

    Jacque Solomon

  5. Another great interpretation Sue! Love the boldness of the colours, very striking!

  6. What a horrible thought, frogs in a blender, I hope I will not dream about it coming night. Your design is great, and teh colors ..... welll I'm just thinking of frogs -:)

  7. The color looks great. I have to admit that I did not think of frogs but of a pillow.

  8. Great job, perfect complementary color choice for these two tangles, embrace la difference!

  9. i love it's simplicity and always in color :-) super!


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