
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

alphabet soup - J

The Alphabet Soup challenge is one I issued to myself. The goal is to use tangle patterns that are not official tangle patterns, but to use only ones that start with the designated letter of the alphabet. I realized as I looked through my collection of tangles that this was a project that could certainly be done. 

This tile gave me a chance to try out a number of tangles that I really haven't used before. 

Jalousie - Phine
Jay - Molossus
Japan diamond - Laura Liu
Jax - Vera Giesbredt
Jems - Margaret Bremner
Joust - Elaine Benefatto

Anyone is welcome to join me in this challenge. Post it wherever you like - I don't have a linky machine. If you don't have a blog or a facebook page just email me a picture and I'll post it here.

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