
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

circle string

Circles as strings. These are some of my favorite strings to use and I don't know why I haven't used them lately. I took out my circle templates and had fun laying them over my zendala tile to see what I would get. As you can see, I let three of the circles overlap the edge and only used one smaller circle in full. I tried to pick tangles that had a curvy element to them so they would fit the circle idea better. Fun challenge! I've even got another tile started. Let's see if I finish that one in time!


  1. That is really cool. I first thought I saw a bee
    Denise Teson.

  2. I also saw a bee as soon as I looked at it. I love it when tangles do this without any intention of having that happen. Nice tangling!

  3. Pure "Eye Candy," Sue. A sweet disign indeed, and there is a Bee on Board. Love this design. Very well done.

  4. Like the way this turned out. The shading adds a lot to the piece.

  5. Beautiful tile and love that buzzing bee!

  6. I love it Sue - looks great! NancyD

  7. excellent choice of tangles. yes, the curves do fit so well.

  8. Beautiful tile. I love your choices of tangles.


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