
Friday, July 24, 2015

Life is a Circus with color

I promised I would share my tile after I added color to it. So here it is. I have to be honest and say that it wasn't what I had hoped it would be. I had to have my car worked on so I brought the tile and colored pens with me to the dealership. As I was working however, I noticed that the pens were picking up the black from the pen and muddying the colors. Bleech! Yucko!

Well if they say that everything is a learning experience, I know now that the Uni-pin pen and the Spicca gel pens, do not play well together.


  1. The color choice is just perfect!
    Lee Darter

  2. I seriously LOVE how playful this comes out!

  3. Yes, some pens don't like each other and most of the time we find out a bit late. But .... I like this color in it.

  4. Great tile, love the colors and the composition.

  5. Great tile, love the colors and the composition.

  6. They are dancing on your tile!
    You captured the whole Circus feeling very well!

  7. This is amazing, the colors are beautiful

  8. I like it. I can almost see the acrobats !

  9. It is such a pleasure to see my pattern used. Thank you for this gift at this time in my life. You are a Rock Star! Love it in color!


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