
Friday, October 27, 2017

white on black - lace

Tangling on the black Zentangle tiles is a different experience from using the white or tan Zentangle tiles. It means you have to think of things in a different way. But it's definitely worth the effort. 

This time I was inspired by lace patterns and did a portion of a Zendala. I used white ink and my new glass dip pen. I need to play with this pen some more but when I have I'll do a blog post on it. The white areas that are softer are done using a wash that is more water than ink and applied with a paintbrush.

If you do a search for lace patterns to try this yourself, I suggest you also look for lace patterns from Arlene Linton. She is an artist and teacher with several books on the subject.


  1. I love this tile, great what you did with the paintbrush.

  2. This is so beautiful! Thanks for the recommendation for Arlene Linton's lace patterns.

  3. This looks like real fiber lace. Beautifully done.

  4. that wash makes it so much like fine fabric! totally adds to your line work to convince me it's lace!


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