
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

heart zendala

Zendalas are typically done with a symmetrical type of pattern. I love doing them but sometimes it's fun to do something different. I've done this string before and it's one of my favorites. I use an empty heart in the center (well actually off center) and build tangles flowing out of the heart. - This was my second Valentines Day since my husband has passed. The rawness is fading, but I still miss him. So this empty heart is a bit symbolic of how I feel.

I did this using one of my zendalas that was previously colored with a pink watercolor. The tangles are done with a pink pen and shaded with three shades of colored pencils.


  1. Such a lovely creation. And a lovely tribute.

  2. Beautiful pink... Beautiful tangles... Beautiful mandala tile. Fabulous tribute to your blessed husband.💞

  3. gorgeous art and a lovely tribute.

  4. This zendala appealed to me on so many levels .. first, the loving tribute to your love; secondly, the lovely string; third, the linework is gorgeous; and fourth, the coloring is beautifully done. All in all, I absolutely love it (not to mention the fact, my favorite color is pink *giggle* )

  5. this is so lovely, with a poignant story. Pretty!

  6. This is a lovely piece and I hope drawing it with your husband in mind has helped you a little.

  7. This is simply beautiful! I love the off-center heart. What a touching tribute to your husband.


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