
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

OH string with rounding

I saw a post on Facebook that used a continuous, loopy string. Auras were added and then corners were rounded. I don't know exactly who originated it but I decided to take the concept and run with it.

I used one of my colored zendala tiles and a blue micron pen. I used my tangle OH instead of one continuous string. If you look at the picture below you can see the OH was done three times. I added auras and the rounding where it seemed appropriate. That's the stage in the picture below.

It needed more though, so I added a few 'worms' with striping. It still needed more so in came Pokeleaf. Shading with colored pencils and some highlights finished it.

1 comment:

  1. lovely as usual. Thanks for sharing, Sue.
    Terri Y.


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