Ditto is a new tangle pattern that was inspired by a picture of Art Deco wallpaper. It's a simple tangle that can be used as a filler or in a linear fashion in borders and such. It goes together in that wonderfully soothing fashion that a good tangle pattern should.
I've drawn it here on an angle but that doesn't mean that's the only way. Click on the pictures to expand them.
1 - Draw lines with a pencil. Leave space between the lines. These lines will be incorporated into the shading later so don't worry about how dark you draw the lines. Next draw zigzag lines within also in pencil. These lines should be done as lightly as possible. (if you have trouble with the zigzag lines - think stair-steps.) Do the same zigzag lines within each set of lines.
2 - Draw comma shapes along the right side of the vertical lines. (Or you can think of these shapes as fish with a skinny tail.) Then come back and do the next comma/fish along the top of the horizontal lines.
3 - Add more comma/fish shapes in the space you have left, these shapes will get smaller and smaller.
4 - Continue adding comma/fish shapes in the other direction.
5 - Once you have the hang of this you can skip the step where you pencil in the vertical/horizontal lines. Here I've shown drawing the big comma/fish shapes into the zigzag line right away. Then you'll go back and do the smaller shapes.
6 - Add additional shading along lines and blend out.
At the left I've drawn the pattern super size so you can see the shapes. Note that as I draw them I like to curve the tail slightly in toward the line.
In the tile I've tried out a few tangleations. I'm sure you will come up with more!
I DON"T recommend using a ruler. But I did here because I want you to see what happens to the pattern if your lines are close together - or further apart. The more space you have, the more commas/fishies you can fit in.
This picture shows what happens when your zigzag lines meet up instead following the same patterns. This gives you a more symmetrical look.
Oh, the name. Ditto. Why that? Well, Since it's now February with Valentines day coming soon, I was thinking of how romantic the movie
Ghost is. But Patrick Swayze's character can't bring himself to tell his wife that he loves her. When she says "I love you", he simply says "ditto". So since this tangle pattern is filled with commas/ditto marks, I thought it was appropriate.
I did an extensive search through my pattern books and didn't see this one done anywhere but if I've overlooked something similar out there, PLEASE let me know.
I've just posted a video on YouTube on how to draw Ditto. Follow this link